Saturday, February 12, 2011

Yo! Comment fools!

OK Ok ok
I'm starting to feel like nobody reads this joint anymore. Would you all just leave me a comment now and then? Please?

All right. That's about it kids. Nothing more to report. Get to work commenting on the worlds most boring blog post.

Also! if you happen to be a blogger yourself, get to work on writing some of your own boring blog posts. I miss reading them. I have a lot of time on my hands and it's one of the ways I keep up with you guys.

I'm out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello. I am here to post a comment.

    A comment defined my Merriam Webster is a note explaining, illustrating, or criticizing the meaning of a writing.

    Here are some examples for the word comment:
    "The most frequent comment was that the service was slow"
    "I find your comment Offensive"
    "I'd like to begin with a few general comments".
    "Comments or suggestions can be sent to our main Web address".
    "We haven't gotten any comments on the new design".
    "I'd appreciate your comments on this issue".
    "We've received positive comments from many of our readers".
    "She couldn't be reached for comment".
    "The new edition includes the translator's comments".
    "The radio program offers news and comment".

    The word Comment origionates from Middle English, from Late Latin commentum, from Latin, invention, from neuter of commentus, past participle of comminisci to invent, from com- + -minisci (akin to ment-, mens mind)

    Here are some synonyms of the word comment:
    remark, note, observation, reflection

    Here are some words that rhyme with comment:
    absent, accent, Advent, anent, ascent, assent, augment, besprent, cement, consent, content, convent, descent, detent, dissent, docent

    The next word in the dictionary is commentary
    The previous word in the dictionary is commensurate

    Now here is the comment part of this Keep on posting your experiences. It is interesting to see how things are going on on the other side of the continent. I need to stop neglecting my own and start posting again. I have a couple things i need to scan in and load onto my blog.

  3. A) Dan, Thanks for that impressive comment. I very much look forward to you updating your blog and me getting to see your new work. I love being able to keep up with what my friends are doing even when I'm really far away!

  4. B) I forgot to type b. the rest of you better check out what Dan did and get to work :D!

  5. So i saw that you had 4 comments and i figured i needed to jump on the bandwagon. lol

    Perhaps the reason i do not have a blog myself is because i know i would not reliably update it. However, for those in internet land out there who do blog, get on it so Rachel can read your posts! It is terrible to have no updates so get typing. NOW :-)

  6. Katelyn, I like your thinking. Sometimes you can even start the commenting bandwagon :D.

    I, personally, try to keep you as updated as possible (or updated 3 times a week anyways).

  7. I have to admit, Merriam Webster online helped me out a bit on that one
