Friday, December 16, 2011

The week of voluntary service

This week, I believe, I have done the most consecutive volunteer work that I've done since high school. This is what happens when you work very little. I have learned how to open and operate the Mt. Tabor Visitor Center run by The Friends of Mt Tabor. I learned how to and did, clear ground and plant trees with Portland's Friends of Trees. That was really fun and I'm trying to do it again in the future. And then, I also, am going to do my time at the Habitat for Humanity Restore this afternoon. I feel like such a productive (and underemployed) member of society!

Next week, I work 4 days and the week after I work 5 so it'll get back to normal soon. But for now, watch out, because I might just sneak into your neighborhood and do
 some good. Mwahahahaha. ok I'm bored.

Here are a couple of pictures I stole off of a friend that went with me to the Friends of Trees planting

Out in the middle of the 'burbs planting & relocating trees

This is Maryalice (my newest friend) and showing off our muddiness after planting. 

On the up side, it looks like it's starting to get back to regular 40's and low 50's temps for early winter. Hip, Hip, Hurray! Shout out: Maryalice for coming out and volunteering with me (and unknowingly letting me steal her pictures). 

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