Friday, April 20, 2012

Himalayan blackberry: a battle and the war

Today, I fought my first battle (since I got back that is) against the invasive Himalayan blackberry plants in our back yard. The stuff is growing like a 'roided out  Chia pet with vicious thorns and a STRONG will to live. I spend about 2 hours fighting the good fight but am nowhere near a cleared out yard. Blackberries, you may have won the battle but trust me. I'm gonna win the war. Trust Me. Here are some pictures for y'all's enjoyment.

The plants that I pulled up (I didn't want them to root down again so I put them on the table).

 The space that I cleared!!

An example of what that space looked like and some of what's to come. 

So, I've got a lot of work cut out for me, but taking out these blackberry plants will let better things grow (these plants don't really produce good fruits because they block themselves out). I'm sure it will be a continual fight as the roots try to sneak up new, evil, baby plants for years to come. But the first step is taken. Welcome to my yard better plants. Welcome in. 


  1. Its a shame you didn't get any blackberry's out of these guys. Although, wild growing blackberry's can lead to some unpleasant digestive consequences. I speak from experience.

  2. They're totally edible and we have a plant in the front that produces better but these guys are basically a huge nuisance being horribly invasive and crowding out the plants we actually want to grow back there.
