Monday, January 2, 2012

Zoobie doobie doooooo

Today was sadly enough Katelyn's last day in town. It was a wondrously, not too rainy day here in Portland. But, even better than the outstanding weather, it was free zoo day! So, we went to the zoo. 

We saw plenty of animals, most of them bipeds in small herds, wearing rain jackets, and pushing strollers. We did see more unusual species too. Some of our favorites were these bronze lions but we also spotted some tiny bronze elephants too. 

It's been nice having family around. We spent Christmas together, went hiking. She saw one of my favorite parks and the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry while I worked. We got donuts, and made cookies, had many a quiet breakfast together and kept up a pretty good running regiment. We volunteered together, drank a beer together (or part of a beer depending on which one of us you were watching), tried some Portland specific foods, went to see a whole gaggle of cheap movies at second run theaters. We had a Harry Potter movie marathon to welcome in the new year and of course went to the zoo.

Of course, I'll be glad to have more space in my room as I'm sure Katelyn will be glad to sleep on a regular bed. But, mostly, I will miss hanging out.

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