Tonight is the world famous World Naked Bike Ride. Gonna be a lotta nakies out there. Bicyclist are fragile and there's nothing like them riding around in mostly skin and bones to really send that point home to motorist. There is no hard shell protecting these organs.
Tomorrow is work but then a date!! "Milkshakes" and a show. It's going to be a tired day. More work on Monday (get money), but I should find a time to train-First training run of the potential Portland Marathon.
Don't point out that I'm afraid of failure.
Tell me I'm crazy and I'll prove you wrong.
Tuesday I have a brief respite. Just a going away party. A show if I can squeeze it in. Wednesday, train and work. Thursday, train and work. Friday Work, and work. Saturday, long run!! And work. Sunday working again. Did I already flash them dollar signs at y'all. $$$$$$$
Monday, I've got a friend date.
Fancy drinks, fancy food.
The beginning of a long anticipated two day weekend!