Saturday, June 16, 2012

Last night: Midnight mystery ride. Bike prom. Don't know what I did but got hit on by a lot of skeezers. Deflected them with an unceremonious and somewhat emasculating rhetoric. What can I say? I get mean when pushed too hard. You gotta be gentle with me. I'm a princess.

Tonight is the world famous World Naked Bike Ride. Gonna be a lotta nakies out there. Bicyclist are fragile and there's nothing like them riding around in mostly skin and bones to really send that point home to motorist. There is no hard shell protecting these organs.

Tomorrow is work but then a date!! "Milkshakes" and a show. It's going to be a tired day. More work on Monday (get money), but I should find a time to train-First training run of the potential Portland Marathon.

Don't point out that I'm afraid of failure.
Tell me I'm crazy and I'll prove you wrong.

Tuesday I have a brief respite. Just a going away party. A show if I can squeeze it in. Wednesday, train and work. Thursday, train and work. Friday Work, and work. Saturday, long run!! And work. Sunday working again. Did I already flash them dollar signs at y'all. $$$$$$$

Monday, I've got a friend date.
Fancy drinks, fancy food.
The beginning of a long anticipated two day weekend!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So much, so much

So much to do so little time.
Why do we need to sleep?
Life is full of excitement from starting to train (really pretrain this week, start next week), to getting back to collaging. Shut up blogger, collaging is a word.

I can't sleep at night.

I meet new people. Potentially romantic people, I like my job. I might run a marathon. I, I, I. What about you?

There are new friends to be had and new perspectives to see. There are places to visit for the first time or as a homecoming. I miss you east coast. I miss you bad. But... Portland, might finally be claiming me.

This is the year of eternal spring. Summer starts next week but spring isn't giving up so easily. Spring from the beginning of March to at least the end of June. What happened to winter? Where is the summer going to fit in to all of this? What about tomatoes? Trying to keep the aphids off of my tomato plants. Don't know what will work. The cold of spring killed my ladybugs. Any ideas?

I can't roll this all up neatly. There is no wrapping. I'll see you when I see you and until that time there will be blog updates.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Date much?

I worked so much this week (or so it felt like). It really shouldn't have been more than usual but somehow it felt like so much. However, on Wednesday, I did get cut early and made an impromptu date with a boy that I met on the train out here. We've been trying to hang out but it didn't work until then. We just met up for a drink and hot dogs. Nothing crazy.

Another however! I met someone else on the bus on the way home from work that day. We ended up hitting it off, hanging out for a gross lemonade and some weird tea before my impromptu but somewhat scheduled date with train guy.

Can you say dates?! Me and bus guy hung out again on Friday for long walk, dinner and some serious talking. We talked for hours. I hope it wasn't just me... Sometimes it is. I stayed up so late! Still, sleep deprived I made it through a late night of work and a Sunday morning brunch shift of work as well.

Hallelujah for Mondays which are my Saturdays. I needed to sleep in. Today, I went for a run with my running buddy and am generally getting exciting about training for longer distances. My good friend, Natalie, wants me to run the Portland Marathon with her. I'm skeptical but at the same time: excited. Think I can do it?