Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Under There

Two things.

Thing number one: My room is now almost twice the size that it used to be. Yay!! There used to be a bunch of stuff being stored in the space where my bed now is and now there is just a bed! I love all the space.

Thing number two: Out dryer's broken so these are all of my socks and underwear draped about my newly available space.
Socks! Yay! I have so many warm socks! Thanks go out to you guys for all the warm sock I've accumulated over the past few Christmases.

Underwear hanging on thumbtacks on my wall

Socks and underwear draped on desks, lamps and every other non-floor surface in my room.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Showing off a bit

OK So I love making postcards but usually I won't post up pictures of the ones I've made because I'm sending them to one of my followers. I sent a postcard the other day and realized that it was to someone who knows not of this blog. So, I can go on and show off.

This is a picture of one of the postcards I made the other night during my chick flick/collage fest.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Years!

Hope you are all starting off the new year on the right foot! Just wanted to check in and see if you all made any interesting new years resolutions. So here goes. Anything good?

I actually got sick on new years and didn't think about resolutions at all but I may begin to think of some goals and try to implement them at some set date that I will deem my personal new years celebration.

Hope you all had a great time!
Rachel Ogburn