Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm not eating an official milkshake but I am slurping up something delicious that's pretending to be a chocolate banana milkshake right now. Other than that I don't have a whole lot of excitement to report on.

I bussed today and made myself some tips. I host tomorrow and Sunday. Jon-Mike and Jackie are supposed to head into the area sometime in the next two days. and Sunday night there's going to be an Easter/Passover themed friend dinner. Monday is my first day serving alone. Tuesday I volunteer at the Restore, Wednesday I have off (hurray!), Thursday I have my 2nd serving shift and then Friday I start hosting again for the weekend. It's going to be a delightfully busy week. Hopefully I can step up to the newly busy schedule I now have. It's going to be different than I'm used to. I also have a hankering to start an art project or at least do something creative and I've got my regular running to keep up as well.

So, that's what's on my plate for the next few days. Hope you all are keeping delightfully busy and not getting too crazy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

End of training

Today was my last day of training as a server for Slappy Cakes. I even took the two last tables under my own name (got my own first bad tip too). I'm pretty excited because I'm working 5 days next week and two of them are serving shifts. That seems like it's going to be a pretty good deal for me. I'm certainly looking forward to it.

From training I went straight to the Restore and then did a bit of a bike ride for cross training. Tonight, I'm getting together with my friend Marika and, possibly, her boyfriend, Mathew. We're going to eat some dinner and then go out to get some cheap brews. It should be pretty good.

Things that I am thankful for as of late are having friends to hang out with, good weather, and plenty of work. It's been a pretty good week (I know it's only Tuesday but I have tomorrow and Thursday off this week so it's the end of my work week).

Hope you all are having a swell time from wherever you might be reading this.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Working hard at hardly working

Hey guys,

How's it going out there? I've been at work for the past three days which is still a new feeling for me. I also work Monday and Tuesday, although probably not very many hours. It's, actually pretty nice to work at a breakfast restaurant. You can work every day and still have every night free. Tomorrow, I don't even have to be there until 9:30 so I might even get my run in before work (but if not, no biggie. I'm just training to serve which isn't hard).

Last night, I went to a show that my friend's band played. It was pretty fun to get out. It was nice to meet some of my friend's friends too. I feel as though, I'm starting to settle in even more as a part of Portland. Knowing people to spend time with, and even meeting members of their friend group. It's a good thing for sure. The nice weather is really helping me feel at home here as well :).

I'm recruiting people to visit me this year. As you know, Dan came for a visit, which was awesome. I'm looking forward to Jon-Mike and Jackie coming down to visit me after they visit in Seattle for a little bit. I'm trying to get my friend Jamie to come visit me in June and I have a friend Monica who is planning on taking a trip up here from the bay area sometime this summer too. I am looking forward or hoping for each and every one of these visits to happen. It would be great to get all that visiting in.

I hope that all of you have some exciting plans in store for the spring/summer time frame.
