I bussed today and made myself some tips. I host tomorrow and Sunday. Jon-Mike and Jackie are supposed to head into the area sometime in the next two days. and Sunday night there's going to be an Easter/Passover themed friend dinner. Monday is my first day serving alone. Tuesday I volunteer at the Restore, Wednesday I have off (hurray!), Thursday I have my 2nd serving shift and then Friday I start hosting again for the weekend. It's going to be a delightfully busy week. Hopefully I can step up to the newly busy schedule I now have. It's going to be different than I'm used to. I also have a hankering to start an art project or at least do something creative and I've got my regular running to keep up as well.
So, that's what's on my plate for the next few days. Hope you all are keeping delightfully busy and not getting too crazy.