Friday, December 16, 2011

The week of voluntary service

This week, I believe, I have done the most consecutive volunteer work that I've done since high school. This is what happens when you work very little. I have learned how to open and operate the Mt. Tabor Visitor Center run by The Friends of Mt Tabor. I learned how to and did, clear ground and plant trees with Portland's Friends of Trees. That was really fun and I'm trying to do it again in the future. And then, I also, am going to do my time at the Habitat for Humanity Restore this afternoon. I feel like such a productive (and underemployed) member of society!

Next week, I work 4 days and the week after I work 5 so it'll get back to normal soon. But for now, watch out, because I might just sneak into your neighborhood and do
 some good. Mwahahahaha. ok I'm bored.

Here are a couple of pictures I stole off of a friend that went with me to the Friends of Trees planting

Out in the middle of the 'burbs planting & relocating trees

This is Maryalice (my newest friend) and showing off our muddiness after planting. 

On the up side, it looks like it's starting to get back to regular 40's and low 50's temps for early winter. Hip, Hip, Hurray! Shout out: Maryalice for coming out and volunteering with me (and unknowingly letting me steal her pictures). 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Sweet, sweet, snail mail. USPS why would you ever, even think about closing? Yesterday, I got these bad boys in the mail. If these aren't going to make me mad tips at work, I don't know what is...

Tiny Blackberry Earrings

So cute
Shout out Chrissy for thinking of me when you saw these. Firstly, I love them and secondly, another girl with a cool earring collection just started working with me and these will totally best her! Nehehehe. I win. Thanks to you.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Races to Run

This morning I ran a 5k. It was nice because I got a number of free things. First I got a) Free hoody for being one of the first to sign up for the race. b) 1 free bell to ring while caroling in the future c) free beer d) some free soup & cornbread e) free energy drink. All in all, a good morning.

I also placed 11th overall in the female finishers (which kind of bothers me because the top 10 girls get put on a special list of top 10 female finishers) If I'd only run the race 20 seconds faster. I got 36th overall which leads me to think that Portland is a slow town. I don't think I've ever done so well in Richmond and I'm pretty sure I've run most of my 5K's faster than this one. Still, I can't complain as I didn't really train for speed and am really just using this race as an excuse to stay in shape.

Next up either The First Run & Walk 5K at midnight on New Years day or the Heart Breaker Half 10K on February. If I feel like spending the big bucks I will probably do both. No mater what I'm doing the Heart Breaker 10K. I own so much pink running gear that will be perfect for that race! Shout out to my Mom for all of that.

Later kids.