Yesterday, I hit up the new Goodwill in my area.
Turns out it was a Goodwill boutique which means it has fancier more selected products and less deals.
Even though the lack of a half priced tag color for the day did sadden me greatly, I still managed to walk away from the store with a pair of sweet new shoes, a pair of tennies to tread with if you will, and that greatly improved my day. Here's a quick pic I took last night before my camera died.
Sweet new Kangaroos. They even have a little pocket to put your cash or whatnot!
On an equally exciting but less title worthy note: I also purchased some lactose free ice cream a couple of days ago and have been living an excessively cold and delicious lifestyle ever since. Shout out mix ins: Peanut butter, cocoa powder, Reece's Candy bar, & Banana