Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trimmed up

Our yard just got its version of a haircut and I can tell it feels kind of naked. The way that you feel naked after you cut off all of your long hair and you go to wash it when you shower and it's all gone. This is how my yard feels. It feels like all of its beautiful hair is gone. And when I say beautiful hair, I mean blackberries.

The landlord came over today and "cleaned up" our yard which, to me, means that he cut down all of the beautiful and productive rose and blackberry bushes. Our yard looks stunted and a little bit pathetic. But, it'll grow into itself. I'm just going to miss having those blackberries to great me every day when I get home from work. I'm going to miss them a lot.

It's ok. The good news is: I got off of work early today. Also, I bought my ticket back to the east coast. The running joke right now is I'm just going to move back since I have yet to purchase my flight back to the West Coast. Don't get yourself too excited. I'm not actually moving back east. I'm trying to establish some in state residency for myself here so when I figure out what's good I can go to school for it. But, I am looking forward to seeing you lovelies and to eating at some delicious Richmond restaurants (shout out Black Sheep and Kuba Kuba with maybe a little love to Strawberry Street Cafe and some 8 and a half pizza).

I hope you all are having a lovely weekend.