Right now, as I type, I'm living in a wonderful location with fairly nice roommates and a hot cup of tea next to me. So, why, you might ask, is the title of this blog "Looking for a new place? Well, the reason is this, I don't like how anti social my roommates are. The ones that live downstairs are actually really nice and they talk to me when they're upstairs BUT the ones that live upstairs (one in particular) frequently go on loud rants about how humanity sucks or some other topic that I generally just don't want to hear ranted about.
I can't handle it. I don't want to be caught in my room at least once a week afraid to go out into the land of ranting. I want to live somewhere where if I have 6 people over they're not getting the stink eye from my incredibly anti social roommates. I would prefer to live farther away from work, in a stinkier part of town, than have to feel bad about occupying the communal spaces in my house. Also, I'd like to find cheaper rent.
It's a strange dichotomy because on one hand, I generally like all of my roommates and would enjoy spending time with them but on the other hand, there is such a pervasive air of unwillingness to socialize that I feel uncomfortable spending any time with them. I know, it doesn't make sense and that's why I want to move, because of something that doesn't make sense.
Anyways, I have just started to house hunting process and will probably live here for a few more months, at least.
Wish me luck on the adventure of finding a good place to live!