Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shows, Saturdays, and Sundays to come

Last night I went to a show and I stayed out so late. It was really fun (it doesn't hurt that I have a mondo crush on the trumpet player of the band I saw) but then I had to wake up for work in the morning.

I can not believe that people do this going out and staying up until the wee hours of the morning all of the time before they go to work. That is crazy talk to me. I took a 2.5 hour nap this afternoon. Yeesh. I still feel like I'm not going to make it until bed time :).

On the up side, I am totally going to serve tomorrow, on Mother's Day. And that's pretty rad. It's going to be so much more fun than hosting plus more money.

Just an early Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms who read this blog (are there any?)


  1. Speaking of shows, I just found out that Amon Amarth played at a club called Jaxx half a mile from my house two months ago. I have bad timing when it comes to shows that im interested in.

    Congrats on serving on mothers day. Bet you made a fortune on tips

  2. That sucks Dan! You do have bad timing. I have kind of good timing. I always get to see my friend's bands for free and I'm flying into CO early (on accident) this summer and getting to see a show with my sister Stephanie.
