Sunday, March 20, 2011

Not a lot but not so little

I don't have a lot of info to give you guys today.

I've been working for the past three days and I'll work for the next two. That's good news. I am growing a little tired of being at Slappy Cakes but it'll all be worth it when I'm not behind on money when I come back from the east coast.

Other than that, the weekend is my time off from running and I started a new cross stitch that makes it almost impossible for me to go to bed at night. Hopefully I'll get to work on that on the plane. I would like to find some time to get one more color thread to use before I leave but if I don't I think it will be OK.

Tomorrow I'm looking forward to work in the morning, and three and a half beautiful miles in the evening and maybe some thread shopping somewhere in between there.

Hope you all are doing well. Looking forward to seeing most of you loyal readers in just a few days.


  1. Its good that you found something to do while flying over. I know that i will be jamming in my sketchbook. I just hope i dont get airsick because of the drawing. Airsickness always gets me concerned because on the last flight i unleashed a massive hurl. It was totally my fault though. I drank a ton of orange juice and some questionable doughnuts. O the decisions made by young people.

  2. Yeah! Me too. I'm excited to cross stitch. Although, I may actually just sleep as it is already way past my bedtime right now and i'm not even on the plane yet. Ick... OJ and questionable doughnuts does not sound good.
