Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tea bags

I recently got sick and am now feeling much better. I still have a few of the pesky remnants of a cold but, in general, I am all better or so I hope.

Since moving to Portland, I have been especially into drinking teas. I've always enjoyed a good cup of tea but now I find myself buying tea whenever I find it on sale and offering tea to my friends as a reason they should come over.

When I got sick, my tea intake, which had been at about 1 cup with a fresh tea bag went up to at least 2 cups a day sometimes more. And I have no way of counting my tea bag reuse but I know for a fact that today I've reused at least 2 tea bags once. I'm just trying to give you a picture of what kind of tea drinking has been going on here.

Why am I explaining this to you? I don't know. But something else I don't know is why, at the end of my birthday I started collecting my old tea bags? So far I have 20. some of them are almost dry while others are still soft and fresh from the cup. I hope that none of them mold.

Here's a picture or two of my newest collection.
My collection
Close up.

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