Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today was a very serious bike riding kind of day.
I hopped on the bike at 8:36 this morning and rode to my couch surfer host's house (arriving at 9:17). I was there to get a little social time in after they got off of their night shifts and also to pick up some stuff I had left there on accident when I moved residences. After that I worked my way back over the next 40 minutes of so to my home base and fixed a little lunch.

From that point, I went on another bike ride over to Burnside St. Where I applied to a few different places (restaurants, a toy shop, a chocolate shop). All of which looked charming and seemed at least a bit interested in hiring me. So that was good news. On my bike ride back it began to rain and I started to feel like a real Portlander, albeit an unprepared one since the most rain protection I had on was a sweater.

Now I'm at home base waiting on the rain to stop so I can go out and buy a back rack for my bicycle. I might have to just don a raincoat and brave the rain though as it shows no sign of stopping in the near future.
rain out of a skylight in the kitchen

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